Why we love to hear Stories?

A Little bit History

Turning over some histories, we come to know that the photons of light (energy) been entered into the human consciousness, and helped them to find out a new form of communication. Several years ago, our ancestors are most likely to communicate through their actions, gestures, and even they used symbols to represent their thoughts. They replenished the form, and subjugated their lives even more for the betterment of themselves. By honing their skills, the evolution of thoughts happened. Owing to this cause, an effective phenomenon most likely occurred on due course of time i,e Introduction of Languages.

Once it entered into the realm of consciousness, our forefathers’ praised their idols and nature, ignorantly, for giving such a gift to understand even more than before. They structured their languages on the basis of morality and even esthetically. Sadly, many of the old writings (style) are not being used these days. Ofcourse, evolution not only happened inside of everyone, but also, it happened externally i,e our actions too evolved on certain intervals.

Our ancestors contemplated many crisis and difficulties for making the overall structure of the language and besides, wrote many scriptures as possible in order to evolve their thoughts and also showed the written scripts to their future generations.

Life become so simple and natural unless the technology comes.

At first, the methodology of their languages were so lavishly arranged and so esoteric in general. After many years had flowed like a water, without knowing what and how to make the form so ease, that everyone could able to understand and use it.

Finally, they came to grasp the art-form of their language and wrote everything in the palm-leaf manuscripts and animal skins. They preserved their art, like the alms in the hands of poor, and even taught to their siblings. This was all so happened many thousand years ago. Yet, we couldn’t find out the absolute truth behind the curtain. Everything we heard, perceived and listened all might be a story or just an hoax.

Because of change in the weather forecast, many manuscripts had been lost and most of them were torn up. Besides, an Imperialism movement, caused such an tremendous effect on society and most narcissists burned away the original manuscripts of our forefathers’ and rewrote the languages into some other form. May be they are maliciously driven by their inner thoughts.

The language which we speak today, underwent alot of human editions, unfortunately, we erased the pure esthetical form.

Those were occured due to the effect of societal improvement and also alot of changes in the human thoughts. Not only rational animals did those malign activities to our society, but also, nature too caused many calamities, disasters etc.. to take back its resources whichever it gave to us (i,e Pure Art).

After a lot of struggles, Language itself got evolved and also human beings restructured the patterns and forms on their own basis and desires. May be, that’s why the accent of a language is differ at many places within the country. A dormant mind always seeks a comfortable way to live and thrive. Even it thinks that to suffer is not tolerable and do not want to live such a life. Obviously, without language, how come its possible to communicate?. It may even be possible for oneself to live?. Or shall we take, ‘Thoughts become languages?’. Once language got evolved, it took alot of forms to express itself via stories, folklore, tales, fables etc..

“Stories create community enable us to see through the eyes of other people and open us to the claims of others”. – peter forbes

How we get into the habit of Storytelling?

1. Psychology behind the origin of Stories:

Usually, I mentioned in all of my blogs, that Psyche has been categorised into three layers, such as, Conscious, Personal unconscious, and Collective unconscious. The collective unconscious, is the epitome of all the layers. Because, it has its own way to communicate with our psyche (being) while he/she sleeps.

As we know very well, that the projections from the collective unconscious take its form during one who is asleep. Mostly the projections are like symbols, patterns, pictures, grotesque images and so on. Those are merely an archetypes. ‘Dreams’, play such a major role for the origin of stories. You know, our ancestors used to tell stories to their grandchildren, whatever they saw or felt in their dreams. They made into some kind of fiction like. Based on their dreams, they created many tales, fables, bedtime stories for their children. Mostly, they used to tell ‘Ghost stories’ to their grandchildren. Not because they loved that particular genre, besides, their dreams are too scary and dark in nature.

Still now, many people believed that the collective unconscious is the place where devils resides. Yeah! It’s just an another conspiracy theory by our conspirators.

2. Influence of Hormones:


Oxytocin is a “feel good” hormone. It boosts our feelings of things like trust, compassion, and empathy. It motivates us to work with others and positively influences our social behavior. Because of this, stories have a unique ability to build connections.

Looking even deeper, when we hear facts, it activates the data processing centers in our brains, but when we hear stories, it activates the sensory centers in our brains.

The neuroscientists found that when listening to a well-told story, the exact same areas of the brain light up on an MRI in both the storyteller and listener. In other words, when you hear a well-told story, your brain reacts as if you are experiencing it yourself.

“Your brain places you inside the story”.

By taking blood samples of participants before and after listening to a story, the scientists were able to demonstrate that those who heard strong character-based narratives had higher levels of oxytocin in their blood stream immediately after.

So what did that mean for everyday life? Well, it meant that engaging narrative could be used to encourage our natural willingness to help others. For instance, imagine how much more likely you are to donate to a charity when you see pictures and hear the stories of those in need?.

3. Philosophy behind the pleasure principle:

When I say ‘pleasure‘ the first thing comes into your mind will be the ‘sexual pleasure’, not only that, but also some other events just flow in your mind. Pleasure been flowing in all dimensions within our body. It’s nothing but an hormonal secretion from our brain. Why our hormones get hiked when it comes under pleasure principle?. May be the neuron connectivities are linked in such a way to act and perform simultaneously. Say for instance, when someone being involved in sexual activities, their hormonal influences are so high in nature and they are merely enslaved to its secretion and being addicted to it.

On the contrary, why rational animals are not addicted to secrete ‘Sad Hormones’, (make oneself to feel inferior/worthless) generally. Why this kind of conflict is always within oneself?. Most preferably, why we enjoy often to secrete happy hormones, rather to secrete sad hormones?. Or shall we say, that, the repetitiveness made our brain to caught in the hands of this pleasure principle?.

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